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Like wise I am interested in sitting the Exams. I am ATPL(H) &(A). From what I understand it is a matter of studying some material, then writing a few exams across the pond.

This is pretty vague, does anyone have contacts, or even study material they would recomend?

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Buy this book:


Professional Helicopter Pilot Studies - JAA Version


Bug me to finish the progress tests (real soon now) and take the exams! You will also need the Jeppesen Student Manual containing samples of all their charts, plus a computer.


The book is the course notes for the soon-to-be-approved JAA ATPL (H) course that I will shortly have available, especially suitable for professionals with licences who don't need the BS.



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Are there some flightschools in canada to get a JAR-FCL Licence? Thank you very much for your help...




I didn't hear about any JAA Flight School in Canada but there is at least one in the States:

Orlando Flight Training


Another solution: have you think about distance learning courses?

Check those British distance schools:

Bristol Ground School


Ground Training Services Ltd

But those are more dedicated for the ATPL and unfortunatly you must first obtain a JAA PPL before starting distance learning...

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And they only do fixed wing.....


When it is approved, my course will be the only modular distance learning for the JAA ATPL(H) - the HA one in Orlando is ATP standard but is integrated so you will have to stay there for a few months.


You could go the Bristol/GTS route (GTS are better IMHO) and get credited with the fixed wing exams which leaves that option available for later. A lot of work, though, if you're not interested in the 737 NG......



Moncton have a JAA link, but again, fixed wing. When I've got time, I will be talking to Canadian flight schools to get helicopter JAA training done in Canada - too much paperwork right now!




PS - will be offering CPL(H) as well!


PPS - is there any point in offering a structured distance learning course for the Canadian exams?

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And they only do fixed wing.....

My fault: I thought they could have teached both...


Anyway, I found this HELICOPTER flight school (distance learning too) but I've never heard about them:

Dragon Helicopters


But what is sure: you will hardly find a JAA approved school in North America.

Or try to give a phone call to Cargair (I know: they are fixed wing too) in Montreal: they have an easy deal with some Swiss school for converting TC licences into JAA's. That might help you out!



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