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Recency Requirements?


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If a person has not flown in 5 years or more,as PIC, and therefore does not meet the 5 year requirement in the CARS, what must a person do to meet the requirement.


I ask, as when I inquired with a TC inspector in the past I was told that all the person would have to do is a PPC to meet the recency requirement, but when you look at the CARS, it would appear that the only option is to do a flight review.


If anybody can answer in plain simple English, I would be grateful.



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As the CARs does read, "the holder has acted as P.I.C within the preceeding 5 yrs." within being the key word.

Therefore, what would be required as it does not state, but, because no CARs is very precise and clear anyway, it is for the reader to interpet, until T.C. decides if the right choice was made or not.

A PPC will not make the pilot current. There is more training required, such as: machine type currency, exams, medical exam, basically a Flight review as stated. So much would have changed and if your talking as a Commercial pilot licence holder, looking to meet the recurrent training, then even more stiffer is the requirement.

A single PPC ride will not cover it all.


This is my interpretation, however I'm not an instructor, it's just how it reads to me.


Hope this helps.

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in addition to my previous post and just to clarify, "ground exams" requirement will be set by the instructor who does your recency.Could be as simple as a P-STAR....


And that would be correct.


PSTAR corrected to 100%, and you have to fly with the instructor untill he/she is happy that you would pass a CPL flight test to standards.


Easiest thing to do tho, if you have the option, is to fly 1 hour a year as PIC, and do the annual 'self paced exam' that comes in the safety letter.




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