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Help For A Student Engineer


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Been following lots of threads on the site regarding employment and the do's and dont's but haven't had much luck finding work in the rotary side of the industry. I'm currently in school until september 23 when i have a 10 week break before going back to the classroom untill july 2007. I'm trying to find a company that will hire me for 10 weeks with the possibility of returning to work in July. I live in BC but am more than willing to relocate or work out of a camp. I thought the timing for employment opportunity couldn't have been better for an aspiring apprentice but am i chasing a lost cause? Is hiring a student for 10 weeks unheard of in the rotary world? should i suck it up and work 10 weeks in a big iron hanger?


I do have some experience on a 206 having done a 100hr inspection and a 1500hr transmission inspection but it seems as though i just wont win. Any tips or thoughts on a course of action would be greatly appreciated and put to good use. Thanks a lot.

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  • 4 weeks later...
seamus32 which semester are you in? i had my last semester at nlc with the first vernon class to come up to dawson. :up:


How did you guys like Dawson/NLC?


Im 6 weeks away from finishing up at BCIT. I have heard good things about NLC, worked with a guy who had just gotten licensed and went to NLC.

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new guy, vernon started a february intake for the first time this year. the class im in will be heading to Dawson creek in April as opposed to the usual december. i'll take spring time in Dawson creek over winter. How is the campus up there?


The campus is great, new dorms, and apparently an expanded hanger.

What you are going to miss out on is heading to Night Riders at -30!!!!!!

Well, April could still be cold.... It is Dawson.

Give Al in the sandbox ****!!!

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hay seamus32 i know what you mean about dawson in the summer. i heird that they'er at -4 and snow today, don't miss that. :up:


The campus is good they doubled the hanger space a couple of year ago. which was nice thuogh it was a pain to go to class in the construction. ;)


oh by the way my first august in dawson it snowed :down:

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