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Union Alternative

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Employers despise unions. They do not want anything or anyone to interfer

with the way their companies are run.

When union talk begins, it is evidence that dissatisfaction amongst employees has been growing for quite some time. Considering how difficult it can be to get a group of people, especially a group like helicopter pilots, to head in a common direction, the forces promoting unionization are great.

Several companies in the States have recently unionized. Anyone who frequents this site surely also visits Just Helicopters and probably knows how vicious the union debates are. It is only a matter of time before Canadian helicopter pilots are unionized also.

Most pilots have some allegiance to the companies for whom they work. It is to their benefit to promote the company's welfare because that promotes their welfare also. The only other thing that a smart employee will put before his employer's welfare is the welfare of his family. When the family's welfare begins to suffer, trouble brews.

Money is prime component of this, but familys also need their fathers and husbands. Wages and time spent away from home are issues behind union formation.

Pilots and engineers are where the rubber meets the road in the helicopter business and these people demand their fair share of the revenue pie. They also demand to be treated fairly. The fact that unions are forming in this country is evidence that this is not happening.

This is unfortunate because unions mean confrontation. It is too bad that every pilot and engineer in Canada can't raise $10,000 or so and then we could buy Canadian Helicopters. If there are 5000 pilots and engineers that would be fifty million which would at least be a good start.

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I am an AME and I am satisfied with the way it is now. I enjoy my job and I don't need some outside entity telling me what I want and what I should do. I believe people are judged on the product/service they produce/provide and are rewarded accordingly. If people feel they are so hard done by maybe they should consider a career change and this will open up more opportunities for those who values are based on merit not on seniority.

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It is too bad that every pilot and engineer in Canada can't raise $10,000 or so and then we could buy Canadian Helicopters. If there are 5000 pilots and engineers that would be fifty million which would at least be a good start.



Sisyphus.... Read on, If I had $10 Grand to invest in aviation, Canadian Helicopters would be the LAST place I would invest!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe a buck or two for some cement boots for their President's and Management team.

If the employee's are in civil disaray.......................LEAVE!! That's what alot of members on this forum have done! I am Happy...Best move ever!!!

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If you guys do start up a union, maybe go after the NHLPA to represent you. I'd join then, since they got their guys a little 200+% increase in pay in the last 10 years. :up: :up: :up: :D:D



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