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Friction On?

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OK you guys, input needed.

I know what the POH says, so we needn't go there, but what is your opinion regarding control frictions.


the scenario is this:

We have just landed and are doing the cooldown in our Swishbang 300, 2 minutes at 3000 (Lowest flying RPM), 2 mionutes at 2500 and then 1 minute at 2000 (temps below the 300 degree CHT limit).

Do you friction when you start the cooldown, do you friction at the mid portion, or do you friction at the end of the cool down, just holding the controls as you wait?


Any input needed and wanted. Stir the pot or yell, just please help...


Cheers all

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My POV is that if you have a helicopter that is able to fly ie; full rpm then you should have a hold of the controls, when throttled back then use the frictions but be close by if still have student or pass near other set of controls.


5 minute cooldown eh? Only 30 seconds on the spastic plastic that I drive.


sc :up:

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Gotta go with Skullcap, Winnie. Frictions all the way on can severely inhibit an emergent need to apply some control. Personally, I generally use enough friction to just hold the control where I want it (flat pitch, neutral cyclic, presumably) AND keep my hands where they belong whenever the rotor's capable of doing anything I can control. I've often wondered how many of the Bell mast accidents were contributed to, perhaps some even caused by, the cumulative effect of masts being bumped by rotor heads allowed to 'flop' at rundown, or higher speeds. I've observed it happening enough times to think that, industry-wide, there has to have been a lot of it. Anyway, I digress, and will leave it at that. Do the wise thing, not the 'cool' one, eh? B)

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in the 500 the friction always goes on as soon as throttle was rolled to idle and in the astar the lock always goes on as soon as the collective lowered if shutting down. with the 500 i always had a hand or knee on the collective because they always seemed to have minds of their own and want to overtorque themselves.

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