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It's not actually the job for a 100 hour pilot MAG, show up with a proven mountain and winter record, at least 3,000 hrs of solid Operational knowlege, then you may get to fly a 206 with lunches a year or two, then ski on an intermediate 2-3 years, then wait for a 212 seat to open up, then maybe get a 212 private group for a few more years then........

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Try for a fixed daily or monthly rate, this is easy for the boss to budget, and takes away pressure to fly in terrible weather just to feed the babies.


Try for 14 days on/off.

You will probably average 5 hours a day.

That equals 70 hours per full on/off shift, (i.e. 28 days).

Multiply those 70 hours by what you think you are worth as a ski pilot on a medium. (Remember that it is a fixed rate, you are new to the company etc. etc.)

Divide by 14 for a daily rate; or divide by 28 and then multiply this by 30.5 to get a monthly rate.


You should come out pretty close to $600- per day, or the previously mentioned $9000- per calendar month.


The company should pay all expenses from when you leave your couch, until you return.

Travel days are negotiable depending on how well the meeting with the boss is going so far, you may wish to ask for a little more per month to cover these, (this also gives some room for you to lower your request if the meeting isn't going very well).


You could try for more (per hour) if you want to ask for an hourly rate, but you will have to pray for good weather and/or you might get greedy in bad weather and bump into something.....that doesn't help anyone.


Sorry about all the maths, but $9000- for two weeks work sounds like alot to some people, and you should have some reasonable figures to back-up your request.

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