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Atleo Air Services Being Sued.

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There is a lawsuit being launched by the families of the passengers killed in the Atleo Air Services accident in the Ahousat, B.C. area.


The TSB concluded that it was highly probable that the one of the intoxicated passengers jammed the pilot into the elevator contols till impact. There is a TSB report on the accident.


I don't know how many people are aware of the accident, but I think that the final outcome of the lawsuit will have significant impact on all flight operations in Canada.


Not that it ever happens.......... but say a stoned juggie, rigger or any other passenger did something stupid causing a helicopter accident? Any thoughts?






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Fortunately, there is a limit of a monetary value when one sues for any kind of loss in Canada.This kind of accident is quite rare....I doubt anything will change in flight operations within our skies.

A tragic loss on all sides .....condolences to all.It should certainly serve as a reminder of due diligence required by flight crews .

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It's a real double edged sword, on the one hand we want to follow the laws and not carry drunk passengers and on the other we would like to keep our jobs, we all know there is a large amount of "look the other way" out there. Hey it's not YVR where passengers are screened and baggage is run through an x-ray machine, in most cases our flights are conducted in remote locations.


Ultimately it's our responsibility to make sure that the flight is conducted safely. We all know how it goes.... the politics of carrying "certain" passengers. If they are drunk and you leave them behind you risk a HUGE political situation and and if you take them at the least you risk them puking in your machine. Once i had a front seat passenger that i didn't know was drunk and a belligerent drunk till about 2 minutes from the end of flight and then that passenger started saying things like "hey, what does that do?" (referring to the collective) as i was directing my attention to a very tricky landing and when i did not reply the passenger repeated the question and GRABBED THE COLLECTIVE ! HOLY S !!! I like the ones that get in, if they are drunk and just pass out against the door post.


I am very picky about who gets to sit next to me (is a slim attractive woman who is not addicted to something and has a few straight teeth too much to ask for?) but i have to say i have been lucky that i have not piled one into the ground due to some "A" whole who could not keep their hands to themselves.


Yes it's our responsibility to make sure the flight is safe but our customers and our bosses need to stand behind us and back us up when we say we are not going to fly a drunk, not threaten us with dismissal.

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That Makes me sick. Tho If I read the article right. Why was he not strapped in with his shoulder harness. Would of aided i would think, but probably not prevented the outcome. I Hope they lose their Lawsuit. It Shows that the family wishes not to take responsibility for their family members on board and want money. Maybe the Pilots family should countersue them eh?



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I'm wondering how much success a plaintiff will have based on "...The TSB concluded that it was highly probable that the one of the intoxicated passengers jammed the pilot into the elevator contols till impact..."




Just to clarify, this wasn't quoted by the TSB, it was the conclusion I drew from the report. Here is the actual accident report:



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