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I Did Not See This Coming

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That's quite the bombshell to see unleashed today. I had no idea this was even in the works!! For all the members, I have no idea what has brought this about nor was I made aware... I think it's safe to say that I am the moderator who has had the most involvement here and I WILL miss those friendships I have made.

If anyone wants to stay in touch, send me a message before the rug is pulled, I mean the forums cease operations.


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If you are interested in taking over this Forum, please contact us prior to July 1.”.

This is an interesting catch,  they are offering for someone else to pick up the torch.  I wonder how much headache would be involved in maintaining this forum.  
Moderating and filtering libellous and offensive posts is almost certainly one thing that has to get old fast.  Answering to companies threatening litigation is another risk.  Will the forum be allowed to stay affiliated with vertical or not is another thing I’d wonder.  It is probably for the best interest of companies exclusively that the forum shut down.   There have been several warnings to contributors this would happen should the risky content continue, now here we are.    


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Sad new's about the closure!.

I was not the largest participant but really appreciate it!

Tanks for all the years you invest in this Canadian site!



By the way sorry to lose all the historical informations and photos

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