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Summer 2004


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How was everyone’s summer season this year? Busy? Slow? Seismic, fires, logging? How did everyone do and how was it? Was it as good as usual or a bit on the slow side?


I only worked for a few months on a fire contract in Saskatchewan and it was slow, really slow. Very little went on there and we finished the contract with tons of unused mins. Hopefully, next year will be better…

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As I'm a student pilot my summer was spent looking forward to fall training. But what I did do was be the only First Aid Attendant at a summer camp full of 80+ kids 13 to 16 years old. It was a blast and apart from wrapping up sprains and cuts is was pretty mundane work. The odd exceptions were one girl who got the fluid from a glow stick in her eyes. Thank god that stuff isn't toxic. Then there are the wasp sting victims, and of course none of these had ever been stung before and had no idea if the were allergic or not. But no one's throat swelled shut and hearts kept beating so I was very happy.

If any of you have kids in this age range and want to know of an awesome camp to send them to PM me. This isn't your typical camp kids are used to. It helps teach them leadership skills they don't get in school or anywhere else for that matter. There are workshops everyday that push their boundaries in a great way. There is also the usual fun stuff like swimming and games and a dance to end it with a bang!

Sorry this is off topic since it doesn't involve helicopters.

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Gee, pretty hard to get much out of you guys...


204B Driver, where were you working? How about you leadingedge?


One would think that some operators will be hurting over the winter after what was surely a very slow summer for some of them.

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Hey 204B Driver


Hey buddy, ya left Grayling too early......and some good action after ya left. Well that's typical, eh?......


Stick around next season. You know how much we enjoyed you here!..."Quick, lock the doors, here he comes!!!!....ha ha.


See ya next season?


AirCon (AKA Camp Boss)

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