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Whistler Heliport Fees

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Coffee's always on in Chilliwack !!

Not to mention the Pie !!!


As a fling wing guy it looks to me like we have quite a runway out here 4,000 ft..

We'd love a reason to stand out on th ramp and start a new rumor.

So bringl your fixed wings to CYCW for the day, have some pie, and header back to YVR for your nightime pax...


Rates for Chilliwack are a bit cheaper .....


Overnight: $5 plus GST per night. Tie-downs are located west of the Terminal.

Monthly: $50 plus GST - must be prepaid at the management office.

Yearly: $480 plus GST - must be prepaid at the management office.


Hmmm looks like you can park in Chilliwack for a whole year for the price of a single landing fee in Whistler.




There is only one operator I know of that can work with these numbers........ "And the Winner is". Impossible to collect a landing fee - look in the book see - the aircraft was never there!!


We did come up with a work around - Hover exits!! Skids don't touch the grond, no fees.

All else fails there's a big gravel pit around the corner.


But seriously - AME206350 - how did the Whistler Heliport Society come up with that number?

Guess you figured correctly that to recover the costs you had to jack the price so high because transient traffic would fall to like 2 movements per day.

Divide that into your $60K oh boy..... we're really going to have to giver if were going to break even.

Considering that Blackcomb Aviation is the sole helicopter member of the Society it must have been rather challenging to figure out a way to minimize your movement costs while recovering enough 3rd. party revenue to cover Society costs.


You guys must all work for "The Winner Is"....... Math for the 23rd. Century?


Looking to me like Pemberton's going to be busy.

Wonder how Pemberton's going to pay their $60K?


Did I mention the Pie in Chilliwack .......



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Is there some form of ATC communications at Whistler to handle the traffic - both landing and overflying? I am sure that the no-fly zone will keep all the looki lous away but with the military,TV,charter and EMS activity in the area it could get "interesting".


The airspace is controlled class B as far as I know (I don't fly) I think it's being handled as an extension of YVR but I could be enormously incorrect. The usual 122.7 to announce whatever you are doing in terms of arrival, take off/landing departure, taxi. That's about it.


You have to call ahead from your departure airport - Blackcomb Aviation 604-666-2106 for a pad assignment - so you will be expected.

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I wouls assume that the good folks from Transport Canada will be found in force in the area so preparations for the odd " Ramp Check " may be in order. :cop:


It might be an idea to start a thread - "Whistler - What Happened Today" during the events. There should be some good stories to keep the crowd here amused. I, for one, would await the daily dispatches from the front with great interest. :D

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For those who have ideas of coming to Whistler or Squamish please refer to the Nav Canada sites and the new VTA for the Olympics.

206350 is right on all his comments but from YVR to Whistler the frequencies are not the same and you will be tracked by MLAT the whole way. These frequencies must be monitored in order to chat with Vancouver center.


I would think that anyone who has work in the corridor during games time is well versed on this stuff already. If you plan on coming through the corridor and this is all new to you then I suggest you get crackin' because you have some planning to do.


Without our crystal ball no one really knows how busy it will be.





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Coffee's always on in Chilliwack !!

Not to mention the Pie !!!





We did come up with a work around - Hover exits!! Skids don't touch the grond, no fees.

All else fails there's a big gravel pit around the corner.


I realize you're just making fun, but you know, of course, that you can only do "Hover Exits" under CARs 702 - Aerial Work - and then only in accordance with your COM. Can't be done at all under CARS 703.

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Coffee's always on in Chilliwack !!

Not to mention the Pie !!!


As a fling wing guy it looks to me like we have quite a runway out here 4,000 ft..

We'd love a reason to stand out on th ramp and start a new rumor.

So bringl your fixed wings to CYCW for the day, have some pie, and header back to YVR for your nightime pax...


Rates for Chilliwack are a bit cheaper .....


Overnight: $5 plus GST per night. Tie-downs are located west of the Terminal.

Monthly: $50 plus GST - must be prepaid at the management office.

Yearly: $480 plus GST - must be prepaid at the management office.


Hmmm looks like you can park in Chilliwack for a whole year for the price of a single landing fee in Whistler.




There is only one operator I know of that can work with these numbers........ "And the Winner is". Impossible to collect a landing fee - look in the book see - the aircraft was never there!!


We did come up with a work around - Hover exits!! Skids don't touch the grond, no fees.

All else fails there's a big gravel pit around the corner.


But seriously - AME206350 - how did the Whistler Heliport Society come up with that number?

Guess you figured correctly that to recover the costs you had to jack the price so high because transient traffic would fall to like 2 movements per day.

Divide that into your $60K oh boy..... we're really going to have to giver if were going to break even.

Considering that Blackcomb Aviation is the sole helicopter member of the Society it must have been rather challenging to figure out a way to minimize your movement costs while recovering enough 3rd. party revenue to cover Society costs.


You guys must all work for "The Winner Is"....... Math for the 23rd. Century?


Looking to me like Pemberton's going to be busy.

Wonder how Pemberton's going to pay their $60K?


Did I mention the Pie in Chilliwack .......


Perhaps you should find out what it will cost you to land at an FBO in YVR during the games? You may be surprised at that number too. Are they gauging also?

How did they come up with that number? They are an existing FBO with all the manpower and support already.

And for what it is worth...if the ISU or Nav Canada see an aircraft land anywhere other than Squamish, Pemberton or Whistler you may find an F-18 right beside you in a hurry.

But...the pie is good in Chilliwack.

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I wouls assume that the good folks from Transport Canada will be found in force in the area so preparations for the odd " Ramp Check " may be in order. :cop:


It might be an idea to start a thread - "Whistler - What Happened Today" during the events. There should be some good stories to keep the crowd here amused. I, for one, would await the daily dispatches from the front with great interest. :D


That's a great idea .....

This link will make it all the more fun .. We can watch the live action of the Blackcomb folks running to the cockpit with their wireless Credit Card Machine.




Give the rest of us something to do from Jan. 26 - Mar. 24th..


As for the Hover Exit issue and Cars 703 / 702 - Maybe we can Deputize our customers and they would be "Flight Crew". Just need to find a Sheriff who isn't already working for Nav. Can, ISU.


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Guest plumber
I realize you're just making fun, but you know, of course, that you can only do "Hover Exits" under CARs 702 - Aerial Work - and then only in accordance with your COM. Can't be done at all under CARS 703.


Wow you sound like a pile of fun to hang out with.


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