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Helicopter Fatal ?

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:lol: I would "REALLY" like to think....that you would "realize"..... that it was a "not to be taken seriously.......But if you would like a true (similar) storey. This happened in Barriere, B.C. A 214 was logging, and a young gentlemen was rigging one particular day with a fairly inexperienced logging pilot. After he hooked about a 12 piece turn he was attempting to "clear", and another transmission was heard by the pilot that he mistook as the "clear signal. He pulled pitch and pulled the rigger within the turn, hit an airspeed oif about 90 kts. and about a 2,000 fpm descent with the rigger inside the turn. The pilot still unaware of what had happened made a very text book approach to the landing and upon touchdown of the first part of the turn, saw the rigger pop out of the turn and run for his life away from the load. The rigger received minor lacerations and some bruising, which considering he was wrapped up in about 7,500 lbs of chockered logs was amazing. The pilot subsequently grounded himself for an extended period of time that day, cleaned his shorts, and eventually quit. I know this is a true story, as I was the relief pilot coming on shift, and both the rigger (Jimmy), the pilot, the co-pilot, and chasers in the landing confirmed this as true...... :shock:
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There's no reference to the pilot's skill level or experience, but if cloud layer slowed down local flyers familiar with the area, probably not a good day for mountain sight-seeing by a tourist. They just don't give out that kind of information on weather reports. But what do I know? (Well, I do know clouds and mountains don't always mix and that it can take a long, long time for investigations to reveal anything). <_<


It wasn't a matter of figuring out if the tale was true or not, H56; I just thought you were speaking Swahilia or something! You've got a language all your own! But a_f understood you fine! You guys getting too much oxygen up there? :D (The second stab made sense and is funny in a scary sort of way!) :up: Ryan, however, will tell you that I take things way too seriously, I'm afraid.

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I wonder if the R22 pilot in question had some mountain experience specifically concerning the ability to be a good map reader. There's the whole lot of GPS today. Maybe the guy was flying along along VFR route with the GPS , ran into wheather tried to divert couldn't read the map properly got disorientated, lost , who knows, but flying in the mountains and navigation is challenging flying at times.


It wouldn't be the first AC the BC mountains have claimed.


Tragic whatever happened. :(

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If the fellow was from Boulder CO, he knew mountains, or at least the violent eastern slope winds. Boulder CO is sort of like "Pincher Ck AB", situated just east of the last rock....a very very windy spot.

In Boulder, they not only offer "high wind warnings" in their forecasts, I have heard of a "Small Pet" warning too ! Now that's windy!


Peashooter, the altitude of the Main Valley is approx 2,500, the lowest cloud was 6,000. Plenty of ceiling to fly VFR under the layer. The valley is a good I.F.R. route ie ...I follow road -river -railroad so shouldn't be a map issue. He must have wanted to be where he was.....geographically speaking that is :blink:


The TSB is on it, so, we can find out more in 2 - 3 years :wacko:

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"It wouldn't be the first AC the BC mountains have claimed." Painfully so.


And 407, you're absolutely right about the winds in Boulder; in fact, it's like that all along the Front Range (the foothills that lie before the Rockies---the REALLY BIG granddaddies of the foothills). If you've ever flown across the Rockies from the West Coast to Boulder, you're usually always in for a bumpy ride. Not only do we have the High Wind and Small Pet warnings, we have the Tractor-Trailor warnings, too. They blow over pretty easy out here! But even if this guy had experience flying in the mountains and in the wind, you all know that those elements can come together a little differently and a whole lot unpredictably no matter where you are at any time.


"The TSB is on it, so, we can find out more in 2 - 3 years wacko.gif" Painfully so. I hope that his family gets their questions answered soon.

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