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Helicopter Pilot & Life Insurance

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Hello all, since I now have a baby boy at home I came to realization that the "myth" that helicopter pilot are not insurable might hold more truth then i thought. As i found out, it is possible for a pilot to get insurance but at a cost!! And depending on the type of work, areas of operations and type of aircraft (single or twin engine) it could be more or less expensive. Also if you longline you can't get invalidity insurance???


Just wondering what guys with families have been doing? Does this sound about right? Any inputs or info would be appreciated. If you don't mind sharing some ball park figures that would be great.

Thanks. Wishing everyone a safe summer out there.

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If you have your ATPLH you can apply to PPIP (Professional Pilots Insurnace Plan).


500 K of insurance and 500 K dismembermant etc is about $70 per month if you are a 40 ish old non smoker.


I have a expired plan with Canada Life for about 1800 per year for 400 K. ( to give you an idea whats out there)


RBC will also insure for roughly the same.


Travelers insurance from the UK is coming out with a plan for loss of licence, disability etc... for contractors very shortly.




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Just purchased some with Mitch Reynolds. He has multiple companies to draw from and has options depending on your situation. Honest and upfront guy. Goes through an insurance needs matrix to give you an idea of how much you should buy depending on your situation.

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