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Ec120, What Do We Need To Know?

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We're picking up two of those babies in the spring and I'd like to know from people with direct experience what we need to know, lookout for, look forward too etc. maintenance and operational wise.

Keep the old "my brother's girlfriend's cousin's buddy said...... to yourselves, we have plenty of our own heresay!

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I'm shocked, why would you not contact the Product Support Department at Eurocopter. I'm sure a corporation of their magnitude would be extremely keen to help in your operational endeavors.

Are the surveys correct about their after sales assistance? They wouldn't just grab your money and run, would they?

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Hey helidude, there's a guy called "Chopper Chuck" who works for Great Slave and he flies there's alot and has a lot of time on'em. He also flew them for Arctic Sun West. He cruises through here a lot although he isn't a member. Hopefully he'll see this and reply to ya. Hover Lover :up:

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Buddy who flew them said it's easy to run out of power in them.e.g loaded up and having to use right pedal as the fenstrom really sucks it up, haven't heard to many good things about the EC 120 but I suppose that depends what you are using them for. They go fast tho :up:, Chopper chuck is the man to talk to for sure


Cheers TT

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EC120. Yeah I got me one. I Love it. Fast, Quiet, smooth, loads of Baggage room, easy to fly . Blows the doors of a Jet Box. We operate mostly at sealevel. Haven't had any problems yet.


Fenestron sucking power? Haven't really noticed.


Downsides: The doors suck, the bonded windows crack and debond, Parts are hard to find and are expensive. When you long line from the right hand side you of course have to take off the door. Easy to do but the door doesn't fit in the back seat. Sometimes a pain in the *** if you don't have anywhere to put the darn thing.


Product support???? Good luck on that one. It has been a year and they still can't tell me overhaul costs.


None the less I would rather fly a EC120 than a Jet Box any day.




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talk to the right people and you get answers.


as for the fenestron using more power...maybe, but being a vastly more efficient design, you pay peter after you rob paul. I also feel the superior safety with a fenestron far outweighs any minor concern of more power required.


So 'Dude, are you PM'ing me or not?

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